Keep following Alia

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide not to risk the intrusive searching and interrogation by the soldiers on the bus. You follow Alia as she leads you down a series of old goat paths. Soon the village is out of sight and there's nothing but thick brush all around, with occasional trees. The paths are twisted and confusing, and although you have an excellent memory you're not sure if you'd be able to find your way back out alone if you had to.

After a few hours, Alia pauses underneath the shade of a large tree to catch her breath. "Let's rest here for a few minutes."

You are thirsty and wish you had some water. "How much further?"

"We should be at the border in about an hour," she answers.

After a brief rest, you are just about to start moving again when four Syrian soldiers armed with AK-47s suddenly appear from behind the trees about forty yards away, coming right at you! They're going to see you in a couple of seconds.

You are too far from the tree or any other cover to hide. Alia, who was close enough to duck behind the large tree, whispers, "I'll distract them, then you bolt for the nearest cover."

Should you trust Alia? The appearance of the soldiers might not be a coincidence. Then again, she's had several opportunities earlier to lead you into an ambush and she hasn't taken them.

You have to make a decision now!

Health {{{Health}}} Equipment:

Browning pistol, grenades, data drive, cyanide capsule

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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