Look for some herbs to treat her

From Create Your Own Story

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You remember seeing some herbs around the pond earlier. So you rush off to find them. It doesn't take your nose long to sniff them out, and you quickly snatch them up and sprint back to the pond.

You check the girl's vitals again, just to be safe, and thankfully she's still alive, but just barely. After grinding up the herbs into a cream, you wash her wound and apply the medicine. Your mother used to treat your wounds as a child with these herbs, and you know that they close wounds in record time. It's certainly better than anything you can get over the counter.

As the girls condition stabilizes, you take a deep sigh and finally relax. You rest your hand on her forehead and whisper, "I'm sorry."

Just then you hear the snap of a twig, and your gaze shoots up to see a group of human males. They all look rather savage, wearing animal skins, and wielding spears. They don't seem too happy that you're here.

"Get away from her, monster!" one of the older ones shouts.

Monster? How dare they insult you in such a fashion. You've seen wolves put to death for less than that, and it infuriates you to no end. However, this could be the girl's family and killing them wouldn't be the best way to win her over.

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