Ask him about the village

From Create Your Own Story

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"The village?" he asks. "Well, we go on living, day to day. The hardest part is finding and growing food for everyone, as we are almost completely separate from the rest of the world. But we make due. We help each other out, filling in the voids that our strengths and weaknesses from each race provide. It's strange, but I've always felt that we wolves need to share this world with you humans."

"One thing I don't understand is how you can cross breed with each other?" you ask.

He scratches his head, as though it were completely normal. "I honestly don't know. I didn't know that we couldn't. I guess it might have something to do with being more apart of nature than separated, like in the city. Or it could just be the water we drink."

You laugh. In fact, it's the first time you've laughed that you can remember. It feels good.

"I like the way you laugh. I'd like to hear it more often." he whispers in your ear, making your legs tremble.


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