Ongoing Story/Jill doesn't want to dance anymore

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Chapter 8: Jill doesn't dance...

"I can't take this anymore, honey. Take me now!" she yells, as she jumps on the bed and straddles you.

"Whoa, what happened to the dance?"

"I need your huge cock so badly...I'm so goddamn horny!" she shouts, as she rips your shirt off. She starts to rub her pussy on your stomach, and you feel the moisture just fall onto you and start to dribble off. "Can't you feel how wet I am?"

This is it for you, you can't take it any longer (who could?). You reach behind her to unzip the dress as she starts to unbuckle your jeans. "Hurry, honey," she moans. "I feel like I'm gonna explode."

But her dress is off unzipped as she says the word explode (you can't wait anymore either.) You lift her for a second do pull the dress off her front, throw it to the floor. She's left sitting above you wearing nothing but those leather gloves.

She lifts her left leg and turns on her right, so she's no longer straddling you. She then lifts your ass and pulls your pants and boxers off in one smooth motion. Once those are in the corner, she lifts you up and pulls the tattered remains of your shirt off and throws it in the corner too.

You, now entirely naked, turn to give her a look of pure love and lust. She looks back, give a brief, sexy smile, and turns back to straddle you again. Your cock is as hard as it's ever been, and Jill slides her pussy onto it as slow as molasses. There is no resistance, but you don't think she wants to take your whole huge cock in one quick go.

Once your cock is into the hilt, she starts to ride you, moaning loudly. "Ohhhh...fuck...I need this so badly..." she moans. "I still can't believe it could feel this good..."

She moans really loudly, and starts to ride you a lot faster. You can barely hold your load, but you exert whatever self-control you have left to sit up and kiss her deeply, pulling her hot body into yours.

"Please...fuck SO GOOD!!!" she moans. "I can't take this too much longer! I'm gonna cum!!!"

You moan as well as she shudders with her first orgasm, and reach one hand up to squeeze her left breast as you move down to suck on her right, and let your right hand slowly start to creep down, caressing as it goes towards her ass.

"Huh..huh..huh.." she says, each time she slams down on to your cock. Your hand makes it to her ass, and you slide your index finder in to her ass.

"Oh my ASS! Fuck my ASS!!!" she screams. Not one to deny Jill pleasure, you slowly slide your middle and ring fingers as well, which somehow manage to find space in the extremely tight cavity. You feel the tension in her body quickly build back up again, and you know she's close to her second one.

You keep sucking her right nipple, but start to lower you other hand down her front. She keeps banging hard against you, and you let out another load grunt. When your left hand makes it down to the bottom, you feel around for her clitoris and start to squeeze, as you rhythmically thrust in and out of her ass.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!" she screams, as she orgasms again. Her waves and waves of contractions force you into your own orgasm, and you start pumping your sperm really deep into her ass. She collapses next to you, and snuggles up against you. "That was the best orgasm I've ever had. Thank you, Tom."

Well your orgasm was one of the best too. You feel really beat, but you've gone for much longer than this.

What do you do now?

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