You immediately check the Germans' camp site

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 12:03, 3 February 2013 by Anedwcan (Talk | contribs)
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You immediately wish you didn't. The camp is a scene of carnage.

Both tents have been ripped open, and they are full of dead Germans, with limbs torn off and guts hanging out.

The smell alone forces you to retch, and it is a while before you can make yourself search through the camp for Heidi.

With increased desperation, you find no trace of her at all. While you are thankful she isn't dead, you worry immensely for where she might have gone.

Then you see a muddy patch. Lots of small footprints, curiously similar to the naked feet of children. Very skilled and deadly children, it would seem. Not only did they manage to kill and butcher seven Germans without waking you up, they have moved away through the woods without leaving any tracks!

You will have to guess at a direction if you want to follow the strange killers (and kidnappers?)


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