Space Marine of the noble Adeptus Astartes

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 16:11, 20 October 2012 by TheThousandthSon (Talk | contribs)

You are a defender of the Imperium, a genetically engineered super-warrior. The emperor once said to his Armies 'give me a thousand men, or ten Astartes.'You share the very genetic data of one of the Primarchs, one of the Emperor's 20 sons.

What is your Chapter?

Ultramarine: the example for all, noble and honorable

Marines Malevolent: Proud, the Imperium comes first above all and the bleating flock of humanity is far below your superhuman might

Space Wolves: A great shaggy warrior like the norsemen of old, you revel in ale and battle, you care for the smallfolk of the Imperium though

Salamanders:You are a child of the world of Nocturne, and there are no more self-sacrificing souls than those of the Salamanders, who would gladly die to preserve the life of a single human laborer

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