Bite your tongue.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 04:44, 7 September 2012 by Wonder Boy (Talk | contribs)

Status: Naked & Hiding

You curl yourself up tighter, and bite on your hand, as the dog licks your pussy.

You find your other hand uncontrollably kneading a breast, occasionally pinching the nipple.

As the pressure builds, your body comes close to spasming straight a few times, but you clamp down on it.

A few feet away, Mr. Thompson just keeps blathering on, until Frank interrupts "Yeah, well back in MY day, we made deliveries on time. Good thing my day is today. I'm sorry, I'd love to stay and chat, but my boss will be up my ass ..."

You hear Frank walk away. A moment later, as the orgasm closes in, the dog's licking is removed.

In less than a second, your finger replaces the dog's tongue, furiously banging against your clit.

As the van starts up, you bite down on wave after wave of pleasure.

The van drives off, and you take a moment to compose yourself.

After your breathing is somewhat normal again, you pop out behind the bush, and look around.

The coast is clear again. You bound to the mailbox, retrieve your key, and then run to your front door.

As you quietly close it again, your slump against the inside of your door.

God, that was SO close. You fan yourself. Now you're sweatier and dirtier than when you started. As you head back to the shower, you realize you need to do something safer to keep cool.

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