Grit your teeth and stay on course

From Create Your Own Story

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You're determined to follow the lights. Corner after corner, the canal narrows, the torches become more frequent, and the bloody paintings on the walls more gruesome. Finally then, the tunnel ends, opening abruptly into a vast space, a cavern -large enough for a whole city- and that is what lies inside it. The canal circles the whole like a transportation system, as you see many other small boats paddling about. Buildings, tall and cruel, carved from the living rock, tower into the abyss of the cavern, lit everywhere by torches reflecting off the dank surrounding surfaces, giving the whole underground city a ghastly orange glow, as if it were on fire.

You are in way over your head. As you look out from the shadow of the canal you see the horrible creatures, ones like the spider morphed into. Squat, nightmarish things with stubby arms and piggy, blistered, deformed faces. You don't know where you are, how you got here, or how to get home.

You're freaking out - just a little.

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