Go find out whats bothering her.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:37, 27 February 2012 by Ninja lord 123 (Talk | contribs)
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You go up to her and ask whats wrong? she says i.. i... dont wanna be here. you ask why? she says all the other girls make fun of me because im new. you say dont worry it happened to me to. she say it did? i say yea and i ask hey what pokemon did you get? she says tepig because i thought it was real cute. you say hey i got a idea get your tepig out k. she dose that. when i say now tell tepig to shoot ember at my pokemons water gun. she says ok. i get out oshowott and say lets do this ok he use water gun with his last ammout of streangth and i say now!

Health 100% Pokémon:

Oshawott < Moves: water gun, leer, razor shell,water pledge.

Level 10

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