Is Anyone Out There…?

From Create Your Own Story

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You prepare yourself before you inhale, and once you do you pay close attention to the many different scents. You smell three distinctive Pokemon smells that you guess would be nearby.

The smell of a Nincada is strong; that identifies it as being nearby and you can place it on one of the branches in a tree above. It has a tone of faintness to it, so you can gather that it hasn’t moved for awhile. You figure its sleeping. You turn away.

You can faintly see the outline of a Metapod hanging not too far overhead. No danger there.

A rustling noise brings your attention to a clump of bushes nearby.

Who’s there? You send the inquiry out instead of speaking it. With luck, if whoever is out there wishes you harm, it’ll help you seem too powerful to mess with. There’s no answer. Neither is there a single rustle.

Just as you turn away to head to the lake, the bush rustles again as something big jumps out of it. It takes a swing at you but you manage to jump back and get a good look at your attacker.

It’s a Shiftry. But it doesn’t look right. Some half-memory tells you that it should be brown, with a white mane and leaves for hands.

This… creature before you looks nothing like that.

Its body blends in with the darkness around it. Its mane is a deep red and the hands are just veins. Its eyes, glowing red, stares at you.

“Who are you? What do you want?”

It doesn’t answer; it just stares. Swallowing the nervousness from seeing such an unnatural thing, you lift your heavy head and try to look prideful.

“I’m warning you; I’m a legendary. You don’t want to mess with me.”

Now it reacts. It lets out a loud screech to the sky which prompts you to take a few steps back.

‘Good.’ You hear an ominous voice say once the echoes of the screech fade.

…Unown? You ask tentatively. It doesn’t sound like the Unown, but you can’t think of anything else that has such a voice.

It doesn’t answer.

Umm. I’m really sorry I didn’t pay attention before. I’ll do so now, if you’ll get me out of this creepy forest.

Still no answer.


Suddenly, all around you scores of glowing eyes appear.

‘It’s far too late for that.’

That’s not reassuring. It’s downright creepy in fact. You turn to run, but numerous shapes fly at you out of the dark forest before you can take one step forwards. The last thing you know is the feeling of something like slime brushing against your sides.

You Have Died... Serves you right, stupid. Follow directions next time.

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