Insist that the officer pop a pill

From Create Your Own Story

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The officers glance at one another.

"I really would like to have a better bust," the blonde says.

"I'd rather bust perps," the brunette says. "But go ahead and try one. If you end up tripping, I'll just arrest this jerk. If you go up a cup size..."

"Then you know you'll want one, too," the blonde says.

"I'll think about it," the brunette says.

The blonde nods, takes a pill from your bottle, and pops it in her mouth. You wait, sweating a bit, while a strange smile spreads across her pretty face.

"Are you feeling any bigger yet?" the brunette asks.

"No, but have I ever told you how pretty you are, Cathy?" the blonde asks. "You have so many colors sparkling in your hair!"

"I knew it," the brunette says. "Okay, buddy, get in the squad car. You're under arrest."

The blonde officer giggles, leans over, and licks her partner's cheek. The brunette momentarily lowers her gun while she tries to push the blonde away.

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Health Horny Location:

An Alley Outside Nina's Apartment

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