Test your skills against Natalia's

From Create Your Own Story

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"Sure, Natalia," you reply with a smile. She retrieves her favorite bow and a quiver of arrows.

"What are the stakes?" she giggles.

"H'mmm," you say. "We've done money before..."

Natalia laughs. "I have an idea. If you win, I'll take you to my private office and pleasure you orally. But if you lose, you have to go down on me."

You grin at her. "Deal."

You both begin firing. When all the arrows are fired, you both have 10 bull's-eyes.

"H'mmmm," Natalia says. "It was a tie. I suppose that means we should both pleasure each other."

20 minutes later, you are firing your sperm down Natalia's throat as she floods you with her sweet honey. Natalia adjusts her position and lies next to you on the cot in her office, snuggling you against her. "Why don't you come back with me to my house for a proper lovemaking session?" she purrs.

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