MSSY1:Backup Nega Battery

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:30, 27 December 2011 by Captain.Devonin (Talk | contribs)
Previous Attack Energy Shield Enemy Condition
Infector Musket 80 30 Moderate Damage
"Backup Nega Battery. I want to pump up our energy reserves," you say.

<System: Selection confirmed. BNB transponder detected. Activating recall device... >

Your opponent brings up his machine guns and opens up on you as he dashes toward you to close the distance. You quickly move to keep the distance between the two of you the same, not wanting to let him get close enough to use those blades. Bullets kick up dirt and ping off your shield just like they did earlier in the battle. You can see your shield gauge gradually decreasing from the onslaught of bullets.

"What's the status on that virus?" you ask, reaching up and flicking a few switches on a panel above you.

<System: Difficulty breaking the last firewall. Standby. >

"Hurry it up! I don't want to let him keep hammering me like this with those guns!"

When the HUD signals that the battery is in place, an internal modification that feeds some extra juice into your generator, you activate it. The display showing your energy gauge rises drastically. You'd have installed the battery from the get-go but it has the tendancy to overload so leaving it in for prolonged periods isn't a good idea. You'd need to use that energy to end this fight fast.

<System: Energy reserves up to 80% >

<System: Attention. I can detect offensive ordinance transponder signals once again. However, I am not receiving full information from them so I cannot provide you with energy consumption rates, among other things. >

"That's wonderful. Let me think... "

You can only think of two weapons right now, and as your opponent's shield starts flickering you figure now is as good as any to use one of them.

<System: Virus has successfully broken through the final firewall. I am disrupting his power systems and draining power from his shield. Our shield has been whittled down to 30%. Recommend immediate action. >

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High-Power Meteor Shooter Time Pistol
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