MSSY1:Disruptor Cannon

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:45, 26 December 2011 by Captain.Devonin (Talk | contribs)
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Previous Attack Energy Shield Enemy Condition
Voltage Disruptor 55 40 Moderate Damage
"Disruptor Cannon, now!" you call to the AI.

<System: Selection confirmed. Activating recall device. >

Your AI takes control of your robot's arms as it shifts them to a position to hold the cannon. The green outline appears, and in a flash the weapon materializes.

It's long, and requires both of your robot's arms to support it. Blocky, and dark green in colour the weapon itself is pretty ugly especially considering it ends in what looks like a radar dish. What points it loses in appearance though is made up for in power. You raise it and take aim at your opponent who is running and firing mixed bursts at you from his machine gun arms.

You squeeze the trigger and emit a focused, short, and fat beam of green energy that hurls across the battlefield.

Your opponent dashes to the side, with the help of some maneuvering thrusters on his side and avoids the blast as it strikes the wall behind him and leaves a large scorch mark.

You quickly move from your spot, firing potshots at him and trying to get the most out of your weapon before it eventually vanishes too. Your opponent does the same, running and firing.

The arena fills with the sound of automatic weapons fire coupled with the occassional "shwooms!" from your Disruptor Cannon. The two of you engage in an elaborate dance of death as his bullets kick up dirt, ping off the walls and your shields and your shots leave large swaths of scorched ground when they fail to impact your enemy.

<System: Shields down to 70%. >

You narrowly avoid a hailstorm of bullets as your opponent stands still for a moment to open up with both of his guns. You make him pay for it by nailing him with a blast.

<System: Opponent damage has increased one step. He is now moderately damaged. >

After several minutes of exchanged gunfire, with both of you scoring hits here and there and weakening each other's shields, your weapon flashes out of existance.

<System: Recall device malfunction. Shields down to 40%. Energy reserves down to 55%. >

"Alright, next why don't we us-" you begin, but are interrupted by the AI.

<System: Attention. There is a malfunction in the recall device's link to the pocket dimension. I am unable to locate the transponder signals for any offensive ordinance. Defensive options are all we can do. >

"You're joking, right!? Ugh. Fine. Let me-" you begin again, only to interrupt yourself as your opponent's robot suddenly vanishes.

"What happened!? Where'd he go!?"

<System: Optical camoflauge device. Careful observation should allow it to be defeated, however, I cannot use the sensors. This must be part of the reason he even has a jamming device. Exercise caution. >

In the end, you guess it's a good thing you can only use defensive measures right now. You wouldn't be able to see him to attack him anymore. His invisibility makes two potentially useful devices spring to mind. One to see him, one to protect against whatever he plans to do.

Select Your Action
Omega Shield Booster [10 EN] Concealment Detector [10 EN]
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