And This Place Is…?

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 21:30, 3 December 2011 by GoldenDragon326 (Talk | contribs)

You mean besides in a lake?

Ha ha.

That area you’re in is a pocket dimension we created for training and other miscellaneous things that we need a secluded spot for. We change its features to fit what we need it for.

Pocket dimension?

Yes. It’s impossible to get there unless We teleport you, or get one of Our agents to do it. We had another just like it, but had to destroy that one and make a new one…

Anyway, you are a water Pokemon, so a lake is the best thing to help you discover yourself.

And how am I supposed to do that?

You tell us.

That makes no sense.

Maybe not to you. We understand perfectly.

Well, duh.

You feel the presences chuckle.

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