
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 21:38, 27 November 2011 by JackalRobot (Talk | contribs)
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The words "Wicked sharp" just keep echoing in your head. It's funny, as no two words have ever affected you as much as these two have. Your thought process nearly ceases except for those two words. It becomes impossible to think of anything besides those two words, to feel anything but the reverberation of the sound, the way it makes your fingers tremble, the way it makes your mouth dry.

You try to calm your shaking hands. God, why are you so nervous all of a sudden? This is so simple... You separate the fingers of your right hand to open the scissors as wide as possible, touching the blades to their opposite handles. Your mind jumps rapidly from thought to thought as you grip the now-lethal scissors. Your grip tightens around one half of the scissors, drawing blood from your fingers. Meanwhile, Vanessa has her back turned to you and is humming. You attempt to quiet the voices in your head, but it's useless. The cacophony grows and reaches deafening proportions.


You begin to shake and shudder, whining loudly. Vanessa turns to face you, confused and worried.

"Megan? Are you okay?"


"Megan? Em, are you-"

Your head snaps to the right to face her. You swing your arm in an arc aimed for the side of her throat - the jugular vein. In an adrenaline high, the second the blade makes contact with her neck seems to slow time. You watch as her expression goes from worry to pain to surprise, you watch as a beautiful crimson fountain forms from her throat, coating the two of you and her desk (along with anything else that just so happened to be in the path of the blood), as her hands fly up to try to stop the same fountain, as she slowly falls backwards in the chair, finally dying with her legs on the chair and her back on the floor.

The loss of the adrenaline, as sudden as the onset, leaves you sweating with a pounding heart. You hurriedly shake the scissors off your hand, dropping them onto the posterboard. You take a second to stare at it, taking in the way the blood from Vanessa's neck sprayed across it before standing up and looking down to Vanessa's pale body. For a second it repulses you that you could do such a thing to a beautiful, innocent girl like her, but you soon remember you were simply doing what you had to.

You step out into the upstairs hallway, descending the stairs as fast as you can. You've taken care of Vanessa, there's only one loose end left to get rid of...

Go home.

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