Run away before they spot you.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:16, 22 November 2011 by Wonder Boy (Talk | contribs)
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Status: Naked & Running

You're so desperate not to be seen that you run straight back into the woods, hoping to take shelter in the trees. It's gotten dark, and before you know it, you're lost again!

Trying to fight off panic, you try and retrace your steps...only to collide with a bunch of sticky strands stretching across the trees. You try and break free, but the strands cling tightly to your naked skin, tangling themselves around your limbs and breasts and getting snagged in your pubic hair. No matter what you do, you can't break free!

Your heart pounds wildly as you realize what's happened to you. You're caught in a giant spider's web! You've heard urban legends about a giant spider that lived in the forest eating people that got lost in it, but surely that's just a rumor...right?

You hear noises from the branches above you, and your eyes widen in horror as you see a hideous giant spider slowly making its way down towards you. You scream wildly for help, but there's no one to hear you. The spider continues to descend, and you see how huge it really is, causing you to scream in terror even more! You thrash wildly in the web, but to no avail!

The spider stares at you for a long moment, and then produces a stinger about three inches long. Your heart is pounding so fast, you expect it to explode, and your massive breasts are heaving as you realize what's about to happen. After a long tense moment, the spider rears back and drives it right into your pussy! Your screams take on a new frantic energy from the impalement and the spider pumping its paralyzing venom into your body. Your blood feels like it's been replaced by acid, and your lungs begin to freeze, quieting your screams. Your eyes were still open, and you're now unable to close them. You're not able to move at all, in fact. You're a prisoner in your own body. All you can do is hang there and watch in horror.

Now that you've been immobilized, the spider begins to gather you up and wrap your naked body completely in strands. Your face remains uncovered, as if the spider wants to make sure you can see what it's about to do to you and breathe just enough to survive it. The pain of the spider's venom permeates your entire body makes you want to pass out, but you can't! You're forced to watch as the spider impales your breasts with its giant pincers and floods your body with a digestive enzyme that liquifies your insides very slowly, saving the vital organs for last. You last for an agony-filled hour before you finally expire.


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