Avast!/Refuse to shoot Raquel

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The Pirate King gives you a stern look. Seconds pass, as he turns to the African.

"Leave us," he says.

"Sir," the African answers back, confused.

"You heard me. Or do you need a pistol to your head to convince you," the Pirate King responds viciously.

The African steps back, fear in his eyes. "Yes, sir," he answers quickly. He turns briskly and walks straight out the door.

You are, somewhat, taken aback at the Pirate King's sudden demands. You glance to your left and lock eyes with Raquel. She looks just as perplexed as you. She gives you a quick nod, thanking you for saving her life, but nothing can hide the fear in her eyes that both of you will likely be executed for disobeying the Pirate King.

The Pirate King breaks the silence. You look back at him to find him in deep thought.

"You know... There is one thing I enjoy more than abusing those who obey me." He snatches a pistol off his belt, walks up to you, and digs it into your temple. "Do you know what that is, Captain?" he whispers.

You can only answer in silence, sure that he will kill you both. What a way to end your life. Pirate for only a few days, and you've already pissed off the Pirate King. You look to Raquel one last time. She is shuddering, fear in her eyes, she stares back. You can almost feel him pulling the trigger. You close your eyes.


Nothing. The gun didn't go off. You open your eyes. Is this some sick joke? A weapon malfunction? After all, you can't really trust pirate's firearm to stay clean, you think to yourself.

The Pirate King lets out a deep sigh, and says, "It's courage, Captain. Bravery. Loyalty to one's shipmates. As a captain, that's the best you can do." He walks over to his seat and stumbles into it. "I was like you once. Young. Fearless. Undaunted by anything they threw at me. Every day, I see scumbags come in and out of this place and not one chose to stay true to his friends. They all turned their backs, just to work for me, the Pirate King! They'd give up their own mother's just for some gold." His voice growing more somber. "I gave up my closest friends a long time ago. Look where I am now. Asking people to kill each other for my amusement. What I would give to have them back by my side. I'll tell you this, Captain. Don't ever sell out those close to you because you will regret it. Just because you're a pirate, doesn't mean you can't have any morals. Stay true to yourself, and you'll find your way to the top. Hell, someday you might even replace me as the king someday."

The Pirate King offers you whiskey and all of you take a shot or two. He tells you stories of adventure, daring escapes from the Royal Navy, solitude, heartbreak, and happiness. Finally, the Pirate King calls an end to his reminiscence.

"When you first came, I was going to give you a job, reserved only for your average lowlife. No chance of survival. I don't have any easier jobs at the moment, but as the saying goes: Go big or go home. HAHAHA!"

"Lemme explain. See, my eldest son, Captain Edward the Red, got captured by the Royal Navy during a naval battle near the town of Drakesport. They're now threatening to have him executed if I continue to raid their ships. Of course, I'm not going to give in to their threats... but still, my son's death would be awfully inconvenient in keeping my livelihood afloat. No pun intended. I'd be most happy if someone could break him out of Drakesport's jail and bring him back to me. Do you think you can succeed? You can always back out now. If you don't think you're up to the task, I'd much rather you say so. I'll have to admit though, if you fail I'd have to kill you. HAHAHAHA!"

"I'm up to the task. We'll bring your son in."

I'm sorry, but I don't think we're ready for that yet.

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