R: Try to remember who you are

From Create Your Own Story

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You begin to think, who are you? What could you have been like outside of this room?

One things for sure, whoever captured you and the other two must have had a motive. What could it have been? Did you do something wrong? Maybe it was a combination of separate things? Could it have been that you perhaps mentally hurt him?

Throughout the next hour you think heavily on how you ended up in such a situation. Eventually, you come up with a conclusion: You don't know.

Even with all the information you've gathered about him, you can't think up of a clear cut reason. Besides the fact that you must have hurt him in some sort of fashion.

Suddenly, you hear loud screams from the other side of the wall. It's the man from before. Something must be wrong, since instead of shouts of anger, it's instead replaced by screams of pain and anguish.

You hear the voice from the walkie talkie, "Hey! We're in luck! You remember the guy who also got captured? Well, it turns out that he just cracked not to long ago. So guess what? You now get to decide! Hooray!"

Even though you know that someone had to crack, you are happy that you finally get to chose who gets to leave. Obviously, the person of choice is you, and you alone. You pick up the device from the ground and state your decision.

"Okay, the person that will get to leave will be-"

"H-Hold on!" The voice interrupts, "You have to hear the other two's reasons as to why they should be chosen!"


"Yeah! Didn't I tell you this before?"

"No, you didn't."

"Well, now you do know! Before you get to decide, you have to listen to your friend's blab on about why they should be chosen. You can't ask questions, you cannot speak, the only thing you can do is listen to what they have to say. Got that? Listening only."

Damn, you didn't expect he'd pull this crap on you. Then again, this guy has done these kinds of things so many times that you're used to it now.

"Okay," The voice continues, "Let's hear why your girlfriend should leave!"

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