Code 18-MSM

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:18, 4 November 2011 by MilaInTheWater (Talk | contribs)
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Добро пожаловать. Welcome back, Maria. Please note that our Russian server is currently unresponsive. Your records indicate that English is one of your spoken languages. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Please enter your passcode.

You enter your passcode, which is MSM-18-A, and wait. The computer seems to accept this code.

Hello, Maria. We are honored to have you participating in our tests; we assume the feelings are reciprocated.

Your first task is to answer a set of questions. We'll start out with some very easy ones to make sure you're comfortable. Simply answer yes or no.

QUESTION 1: Where did you grow up?

You click on Абдулино-Abdulino. The other questions follow in the same vein, and after about 10 questions they begin asking some basic intelligence questions. The test continues for approximately an hour.

Thank you, Maria. We appreciate your answers. We have calculated your IQ to be 132. You are thus within the 96th percentile and capable of surviving our tests. We are very pleased to have you on board.

You will find a key in your pocket. Please walk over to the door and insert the key. This will lead you to an assistant.

You reach into your pocket and pull out a key you are almost positive wasn't there before. You walk over to a door; you also hadn't seen it before, but then you didn't look very carefully. You walk out and see a woman.

"Hello, my name is Maria."

Observe the woman.

Attempt to walk past her.

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