TPM: Qui-Gon Jinn: Anal with Ajilar

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You order her to first lie down on the bed and strip off her clothes. Upon seeing her tight asshole, you rip your dick out from underneath your robe, and order her to lay down stomach down, on the bed. You then jump on the bed, and ram your cock straight down her super-tight asshole, causing her to scream in agony. You continue raping her asshole, but, since this seems to be her first time, you use the force to move your semen through your dick faster, thus causing the experience to be over much quicker. You spray your seed into her asshole, and you fall back, exhausted, and she falls off the bed from shock, semen oozing out of her ass onto the blue-carpet floor, leaving a wet stain. You then decide to drag her up onto the bed, so she can rest. After all, that must have wiped her out. Later that night...

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Qui-Gon Jin
The Phantom Menace

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