There's a note slipped under your door

From Create Your Own Story

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You wake up before Mindy, and as you walk towards the bathroom to have a shower, you see a piece of paper on the floor at your door.

Intrigued, you walk over to it. The writing on it is rushed, but it says:

You girls put on quite the show. Thanks for the spank-bank material.

You are not certain who could have left it, but are a bit creeped out that this person knows which is your room. They must have followed you back from the beach. You decide to forget about it for now and have a shower, but decide that if Mindy suggests skinny dipping again, you both make sure there is no one around.

When you get out of the shower, Mindy has woken up and read the note. She thinks it is hilarious to have an "admirer" as she calls him. You think this person is more likely to be a stalker, but keep this to yourself.

She can't stop talking about what she will do if you girls run in to him today: "I'll offer him a private show. He'll be our entourage for the rest of the trip, and cater to our every whim." She laughs. "Who do you think he is?" She asks.

"Either the teenage boy from the beach, the security guard, or this janitor I saw earlier last night." You answer.

As you make your way down to the restaurant, you see all three of these people, and you can tell that Mindy has spotted each of them too. She is very spontaneous, and just as you are hoping to yourself that she doesn't decide to approach one of them, you realize that she is not by your side any longer.

When you spot her again you see that she is a ways away, and is making her way towards:

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