For my 12-inches of meat

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:30, 28 August 2011 by AgentVincent (Talk | contribs)
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That seems to get Rebecca's attention. A smile forms on her lips.

"Really?" she asks. "Can I see?'"

Quickly, you unzip your pants. The thought of being able to bang this woman has already made your dick erect.

"Impressive," she says. "You know, this is bigger than my boyfriend's."

"Just get me to a hospital and it's yours," you reply.

Rebecca ignores you. "And that's going make my boyfriend jealous. If he's jealous, I'm not going to have any success in bed. I can't have that."

You start realize where she's going with this when she pulls out a knife, but you aren't able to fight back. Mercifully, you quickly pass out from blood loss as she hacks off your manhood.

Surprisingly, when you wake up, you're still alive. You're in a hospital bed. In front of you stands a doctor.

"Ah, you're awake!" he exclaims. "You'll be happy to know that we were able to reattach your genitals. If you need anything, just ask your nurse."

Almost on cue, a blonde nurse enters the room as soon as the doctor leaves.

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