Continue fighting the officers

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:26, 14 August 2011 by AgentVincent (Talk | contribs)
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You use every bit of strength this enormous body can generate. You stand up with the man holding you in a sleeper hold. You spin around trying to shake him off, but this does not work. His grip makes you very lightheaded. You lose your balance and fall backwards. The last thing you see is the night sky before you black out.

When you come to, you realize you've been tied to a chair. You struggle to free yourself, but to no avail. You look over to your left and see a wall with various tools. The only thing in front of you is a door.

The door opens. In walks the policeman, who's now wearing a military uniform. By his side is Valerie.

"Is this the guy who attacked you?" asks the man.

"Yes," replies Valerie as she struggles to hold back tears. "He's the one who killed my family."

"Then he's all yours," the man says. "When you're finished, just leave."

He exits and shuts the door behind him. You turn your head again and look over the tool rack. There's various items intended for torturing a man, but you see a few sex toys in the mix.

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