Magic Keyboard

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:32, 15 June 2011 by Frogman10 (Talk | contribs)

Wow.My first story.kinda exciting. Please forgive me if my story is...well bad.

On with things!

You wake up on a white floor in a white room. Your body lets you know that it didn't enjoy this,and your head gives you a little buzzing feeling. For soe reason, you have no idea what your doing here. There's nothing in the room that will give you s clue. No chair or fruniture, or anything.Not even a door. That doesn't bother you that much, but you are worried that there doesn't appear to be any door.

How the heck did you get to this place? If you didn't know any better, you would sware that you were in some crazy "choose your own adventure" story. Ha! What a laugh! But seriously, what the hell? A blank white room? Why are you here?

Where are you?And what's with this keyboard?

You notice that there is a shiny silver cpmouter keyboard laying beside you. Curious, you pick it up. When you do,litle colorful lights on the side begin to blink. Your surprised when a little holographic screen appears, with that little blinking line that's always in typing programs.

Huh, a digital typewriter. Pretty cool, you guess, but you have more important things to do. Then again, looking around, maybe you don't. This room has absoultly nothing in it, and your seriously wondeing how you'll get out. This may not be a choose your own adventure story, but a decision must be made. Should you

Check out this keyboard.



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