The Echidna Tale/Vampire Emily/Next Day 2

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To her family, it was clear that Emily was dying. She had almost no colour on her face, and despite her claims contrariwise, her hoarse and weak voice were clear signs that she wouldn't make it over the next night. July cried the entire day and wanted to be by Emily, but she refused her, saying she wished to be alone. Her parents seemed to understand and told July to go play outside, but she ran to her own room instead.


You arrived to her room again and found her awaiting you. She was lying on her bed, too weak to rise up, but as soon as you entered, she smiled with an eager expression on her face. You moved closer and gave her a soft kiss. She responded with a weak moan.

With your sharp, black nails, you made a small cut inside your own mouth and poured some blood down her throat. She drunk it down thirstily, offering no sign of resistance.

You thoroughly enjoyed the rest of what she had to give. You started by gently biting down on her wrist, suckling on it for a while, before progressing upwards along her arm and giving her several very small bites. Unbuttoning her shirt, you bit the underside of her small breasts, making her whimper weakly in pleasure. Lowering the helpless girl's pants, you bit again just above her vagina, allowing her blood to mix with her vaginal juices. You let her come several times as you greedily devoured her fluids.

Finally, when she was on the last inches of her life, you raised her by her armpits and placed her to sit on your lap. You pierced her neck for the one last time, and she sighed peacefully as you drunk down the last bits of life left in her.


She woke up an hour later her mistress still beside her, gently stroking her hair. She felt amazing; there wasn't a single trace of any weakness left in her body. The two of them kissed each other deeply.

Her mistress left her soon after, promising her a free reign to do whatever she wished. She ran her tongue across her sharp teeth, licked her cold lips, and started thinking about how to live her new life...

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