Take the mermaid into Debbie's apartment

From Create Your Own Story

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"Why not?" you grin. Debbie locks the door behind you and quickly fills her large bathtub full of water. The mermaid smiles and splashes happily as you set her in it.

"Why don't we join her?" Debbie smiles, quickly stripping. You shuck your own clothes and the three of you snuggle up in the tub. It's a tight fit, but you manage it. The mermaid ends up in the middle. Debbie pulls off her shells to reveal two magnificent breasts, and she takes one while you take the other. With two mouths suckling her nipples, the mermaid lets out a series of soft moans.

"Don't stop," she purrs. "That feels wonderful." Your rod is stiffening. The mermaid notices and wraps a hand around it, stroking you softly. A moan from Debbie lets you know the mermaid's other hand is fingering your neighbor's box.

Do you:

Health Horny Location:

Debbie's Apartment

MP 0
Level 5
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