Run like a little bitch

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:05, 24 September 2015 by Marzipan92 (Talk | contribs)

You pull the covers over your naked body in sheer embarrassment. You run for the door but the female wolf moves to the side, blocking your path. Not expecting the hindrance and with too little distance to stop yourself, you run right into her.

“And who do we have here?” she leans down and gives you a wide smile, displaying two rows of sharp teeth.

“I found her out in the living room, lost and confused,” The wolf man says in a low grumble from behind you. “No collar on her either. Probably a stray looking for a place to stay.”

Growing ever more confused by the second as to what was going and where you might be, you cry out in surprise when the she wolf reaches out and pulls you into a tight embrace, mashing your face into her generous cleavage with unbelievable strength.

"Oh, poor doggie." She giggles while stroking your back with tender but firm and furry hand shaped paws. "We need to take care of her. Don’t we honey?"

The male wolf simply offers a disappointed growl and exits the room, his tail hanging between his legs and his fanged beak showing off a slight frown. You assumed he was upset about being interrupted.

“Oh, don’t mind him,” the she wolf says reassuringly upon noticing your inquisitive look. “Bert likes to be in control in bed, but he knows that he will never be the boss when I’m around. Whatever bitch walks into this apartment is my bitch.”

Her words didn’t exactly have the reassuring effect she might have been hoping for. You were starting to genuinely fear this lady canine.

With little effort the she wolf bends down and scoops you up in her muscular arms, carrying you back to the bed and unceremoniously dumping on top of it.

“Stay right here while I get into something comfortable" Her voice was sweet and friendly but you could also spot a hint of dominance in her tone. You figured that this woman did not like to be disobeyed.

She winks at you and exits through the bathroom, leaving the door slightly ajar.

Thinking hurridly you:

Furry Status (you)
Health 90 Equipment:

Gender Female
Species Human
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