Pi Pi Pi/Go wakeboarding topless

From Create Your Own Story

You look around. Can you retrieve your shirt? No, you quickly decide. It's drifted too far away, and is starting to sink under the surface. You hold your top out in front of you. You shake your head. There is just no way you can make it fit. You've tried several times. You set it aside. Maybe, later, you'll go back to the store and see if you can trade it for a top that fits you properly. In the meantime, you have to face the guys with your boobs hanging out.

You decide to get it over with.

You go back to where the guys are waiting. You are holding you hands over your big boobs, trying to conceal them as much as possible, and wishing your hands were a little larger, or your boobs were a little smaller. "Guys," you say, nervously.

The guys turn. They all do double-takes when they see you're topless.

"Does any of you have a shirt I can borrow?"

"What about the bikini top . . . we . . .bought . . ." says Rich, with an expression that makes it clear he wishes he had X-ray vision right now.

You grin sheepishly. "It doesn't fit, even when I adjust it as far as I can. I'll go back to the store and exchange it for one that fits me later, but for now, I need something to wear."

"Why?" says Rich.


"Why do you need a top?"

"You've got to have a top with a bikini."

"Not necessarily. Plenty of women go around without a bikini top on at the beach. And remember, you're not in a public place here. It's just the four of us and you here, and I promise you, we won't be upset or offended if you don't wear a top." He's grinning as he says this.

You try one other line of defense. "Can I go wake boarding like this?"

"Why not? You'll be wearing a life jacket, so no one will actually see your tits until you're out of the water and back on the boat."

That's it, you think. Your last argument is defeated. You will have to do your wake boarding topless. The thought is mortifying, yet somehow a turn-on at the same time.

"Alright," you say, slowly moving your hands away from your tits, "I guess I'll do it."

The guys don't respond at first. They are all too busy checking out your bare breasts. As you expected, you are embarrassed, but also a little turned on. Four hot guys are admiring your ample assets. You've dreamed of doing something like this, but never had the nerve to. Now it's happening.

"Wow," Rich says. "I hope you don't mind my asking, but, are they real?"

You smile and nod. "Yes. 100% real."

"They're awesome."

"Thanks, but you said you're gonna teach me how to wake board. You can't do that if you keep staring at my boobs."

"Right, right. We'd better get to it."

Ten minutes later, after a short lesson and a quick demonstration, you are in the water. You hold the tow rope. Your feet are strapped into the board. You feel a little better now that your naked breasts are concealed by a life jacket, but on the other hand, they are squashed rather uncomfortably inside the life jacket, which was clearly not designed to be worn by a girl of your endowments, and you are keenly aware of the way your bare nipples seem to be rubbing against the inside of the jacket. You've never realized how sensitive they are before.

You're also concerned because the guys spent ten minutes explaining what wake boarding is, the principles of how to do it, and how to strap yourself onto the board, and so on, but you haven't had a chance to actually do it. This will be your first time. You are also concerned that the board you are strapped to is a bit large for you. In their excitement, the boys neglected to rent a board sized for girls, and so you are using the smallest one they brought. You think it fits alright, but in the back of your mind, you have your worries. Your toes do seem just a little bit loose.

Then you realize Asher is looking over the stern of the boat. "Ready, darling?"

You nod. "Yes. Just remember, this is my first time, so go easy, will you?"

"You got it." You aren't sure what to make of the way he grins.

A few seconds later, the boat starts to move. You find yourself moving through the water. Then you feel the board start to rise under you, lifting you onto the surface of the lake.

Pi Pi Pi Applying Clothing

bikini bottoms and life jacket

Rules 1&2
Fucks 0
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