Mad Science/Wolf A

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide to raise your hand. Taylor does too, as well as one of the other kids. Allison counts the hands.

"It's decided then. Our class mascot is a wolf." A few hands go up. "Okay, anyone who wants to can draw a wolf for tomorrow. We'll vote on the pictures then, and the best one is our mascot image. For now, it's off to your first class."

You suffer through the boring normal-placed learning of your Math, English, and Social Studies classes. But after that it's fourth period, Club Period!

Each student was allowed to pick a topic for "self-directed study". This is kind of like a class, but the students work together to learn, and teachers are only there to be a resource. Rather than a class, they call it a "club", and it can be in just about any field where five or more students could be found with an interest.

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