
From Create Your Own Story

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Staring at bed five hundred and fifty one both you are shocked to see your sister resting comfortably.

You look at your sister standing next to you then back at her lying in the bed. You hear the gasp when your sister sees herself lying in the bed. You watch dumbstruck as her eyes fill with confusion her over taxed brain can’t handle anymore and she passes out. She will be fine you know but, you need to figure out what is going on. Leaving your baby sister unconscious on the floor you move over to the stasis control terminal for the mysterious bed five fifty one and start checking through the records from the flight.

You can’t seem to find anything to help you figure out where this extra bed came from or how you ended up with two little sisters. You are about to give up when you notice something flashing on the terminal screen for bed five hundred and fifty. Moving over to what should have been the last bed you take s look at the flashing words.

‘Power rerouted to stasis bed number five fifty one’

You almost choke on your own spit as you realize why everyone is dead. Just to make sure your not jumping to conclusions you move from bed to bed checking the consoles. One after another they confirm your suspicions. Every single bed except for yours and Doe’s had the power rerouted at some point to fuel the bed that held what you can only assume is a clone of your younger sibling.

Damn sister! You remember that you left her sprawled out on the floor. Hurrying back, you bend down to check on her. She seems to be breathing fine but she is still unconscious . You sit back on the floor letting your back rest against the wall opposite the clone's bed.

Staring up at her you wonder why someone would do such a terrible thing to the other colonists, not to mention the rest of your family. You also start to wonder why they would pick your sister to clone. This gets you wondering about the clone itself…will it be intelligent or will it be like an infant, not knowing how to do anything yet? Will it have all of your sister's memories too or is it just a hollow shell waiting to be filled?

It seems all your questions will be answered soon. Both your real sister and her clone counterpart seem to be stirring in their slumbers.

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