
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 17:22, 21 January 2012 by Zoroastra (Talk | contribs)


height : 5'1" (155cm)

Weight : 116 lbs (52kg)

Bust : 34B

Waist : 28

Hip : 35

Combat Stats

Favourite Weapon : Staff, Combat power : 15. (About as strong as a peasant with limited combat training)

Unarmed Combat Power : 7. (she could defend herself against an untrained civilian.. if he isn't too strong.)

For the statistics below, please choose between : (listed from lowest value to highest)
None | Limited | Low | Medium | High | Very High |  Unmatched.
Hint : A princess with her own strengths and weaknesses has far more personality than a 'perfect' one.

Strength : Limited .(She has the strength of the average girl in junior high.)

Speed : High. (Her tiny figure can dart away at surprising speeds.)

Endurance : Limited. (The worst injury she ever suffered before the start of this story was scraping her knee when she tripped over her own feet)

Willpower : Low/High. (She is rather naive and therefore easily influenced by words - alltough her resistance against magical manipulation is High.)

Magical Ability : High. (She has the potential to make a capable mage, but was never trained in the arts of magic.)

Personal Stats

Patience : _______. (Ability to deal with annoying social situations, the lower this rating the more stamina will be drained by tiring social interactions.)

Diplomacy : _______. (Ability to talk your way out of a situation / convince others.)

Intimidate : _______. (Ability to frighten others, get them to back down from a fight/threaten them into doing what you want)

Bluff : _______. (The ability to lie without anyone noticing, or hide your actual feelings. Doesn't necessarily mean you always do this, just that you CAN.)

Charm : _______. (The ability to arouse others sexually, conciously. A character with a low rating here wouldn't know how to seduce anyone, but that only makes her More likely to seduce someone accidentally.)

Sneaking : _______. (The ability to hide in the shadows and launch a sneak attack or avoid/observe the target.)

Tool Use : _______. (The ability to deal with mechanical contraptions - such as locks or traps.)

Survival : _______. (The ability to survive in the wilderness.)

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