User talk:Snowball

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 21:51, 21 October 2011 by Heyoeveryone (Talk | contribs)

Thanks! XD

I decided to flip through the recent changes page today, and I noticed that one of my pages had been edited. At first I was scared, but when I went to check, nothing much had changed, besides a spelling error being fixed. So I'd like to thank you for fixing a spelling error. That page took me the longest to complete, and I tried to read it over a few times to fix errors, guess I missed one.

So, thank you for enjoying my story, and thank you for taking the initiative by fixing the spelling error in the page I had made. Can I ask, is it okay by you if you can read through my newest story I've been working on? It's called Remember. I just need an honest opinion on it. --Heyoeveryone October 20 2011

You actually read through the story! Thank you so much! You also edited the some of the pages as well. Which I am forever thankful. I didn't think I'd have that many errors, but then again, at least it wasn't all of the 42 pages. Once again, thank you. Oh and what's your opinion of the story? --Heyoeveryone October 21 2011

It's perfectly fine if you edit every mistake. In fact, it makes the website become much more polished and better for people to understand. As for Remember. I was actually going to make it a extremely violent story with lots of death scenes and overall tragedy. But I think at around the second page, I decided to go a bit more of a 'learn about your past' kind of feel. Anyway, I hope you liked the story. Perhaps when I finish writing the story, you can perhaps check it for grammatical errors.

Thank you once again! --Heyoeveryone 22 October 2011

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