
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:34, 7 April 2011 by TheElderOnes (Talk | contribs)

You know a chance when you see one. Vanessa reaches into the fridge and places the carton of eggs on the upper shelf. You casually stroll over and smack her on the ass before continuing on your leisurely walk around the kitchen, stopping with your back to her and hoping she'll respond the way you anticipate. Sure enough, she yelps and spins around, shocked.

"Megan! Did you just...? That's not something I'm really comf-"

Now that she's distracted, you make your move. You lunge backwards and turn around, punching her in the face as hard as you can. She stumbles backwards and into the wall, where you wrap your hands around her throat and begin to apply pressure. Her hands shoot up and grab your wrists, trying to pry them away. Your grip, however, is astounding. You feel a twinge of anger building in you, and you squeeze some more. Vanessa chokes and gasps at first, but when you apply the extra pressure she goes silent, still struggling. Her eyes, once vibrant and full of life, seem to ask you "Why?" as they begin to seem glassy an fill with tears, slowly rolling back in her sockets. Gradually, her own grip becomes nonexistent and her hands release your wrists, falling uselessly at her side as she sinks to her knees. You can feel her pulse slowing, and you continue to keep her in your grasp until it completely stops. After a few seconds without a pulse, you release Vanessa. Her body manages to hold itself up in the kneeling position for a moment before collapsing forwards onto the floor.

You stare at your hands for a few seconds, staring at the back of Vanessa's head. You don't know what to make of the whole situation, and you look around, hoping nobody was able to see what you did. Of course, nobody did, but you still feel like you were being watched. The kitchen seems eerily silent now, save for the sound of the radio and the quiet hum of the fridge. You take a deep breath, and recover your senses. Now you know what you have to do. The plan is halfway complete, nothing can stop you now. You've killed Vanessa, now you're all that's left. The last loose end.

Go home.

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