Previous Featured Stories
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Featured Stories for '09
- Crusader 5/28/09
- Evolution 9/13/09
- Harry Potter 10/08/2009
- Transylvanian terror 12/01/2009
- Warhammer: Sartosa, City of Pirates 12/29/2009
Featured Stories for '10
- Goosebumps in Horrorland 01/26/2010
- Crusader 2: Paladin 04/03/2010
- DARKNESS 05/23/2010
- Subject 413 07/12/2010
- Rescue 08/12/2010
- Avast! 10/31/2010
- inyashas fantasy land (a key example of how not to write a story: poor grammar, poor spelling, and all-around poor) 12/12/2010