To the flight deck!

From Create Your Own Story

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The alarms are still sounding as you dash into the flight deck. Pratt, the flight deck chief is bellowing orders and waving at the two flight techs scrambling to disconnect fueling hoses from the three fighters.

Flak and Slice fall into step on either side of you as you head for the ships. "This is what we've been waiting for," you say, a smile crossing your face. Your heart is pounding in your chest, adrenaline flowing through you, making every sensation all the more real. The thrill of anticipation fills you; in mere minutes, you'll be fighting a life and death struggle in a multi-billion credit starfighter, trying to kill them before they kill you. You wouldn't have it any other way.

"Good luck," Slice says, zipping up her flight suit. The blonde salutes lazily, then walks towards the ship on the right. Flak pulls his goggles up, settling them over his eyes. "I've got my lucky goggles, I'll be fine," he calls back with a grin. He steps away towards the ship on the left.

You walk up towards your fighter, running a finger along the metal of one of the thrusters. It's a magnificent ship, sleek, with three small wings; two angled downwards, with a third straight up like a fin. A pair of large, powerful engines sit at the back, providing the main thrust, and a pair of huge, undermounted laser cannons line the lower wings. The cockpit sits just in front of the fin, with a long nose sloping out in front of it.

As you climb the ladder to the cockpit, you glance down at the wing, where a tech has a panel open. "Are you gonna close that up before I take off?" you ask impatiently.

Without glancing away, the tech replies, "The port gyro's been acting up. I need a minute to lock it down."

You look towards the open bay, the field of stars waiting for you. You can hear the loud whine of engines as the other two fighters begin to lift off. You know you can fly without the port gyro; your maneuvering might be compromised, but only a little.

Wait for the repair
Take off

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