Dr. Dero's Journey

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 21:12, 14 September 2009 by Holygiant (Talk | contribs)

Dr. Dero is a normal twenty-five-year-old doctor, sporting a large walrus mustache (as a disguise) and a long white lab 'trench coat', with a V cut on the tail of the coat. (A.K.A... well, extremely awesome.)

He's a surgeon, chiropractor, pediatrician, physicist, podiatrist, dermatologist and radiologist all at the same time. Basically, he's extremely awesome.

But one day, in all of Dr. Dero's extremely awesome glory, he yawned, slipped out of bed and began to saunter down to his car, as is the norm. He rolled down the car windows, slipped his eagerly waiting lab coat on, set the key in the ignition and backed out of the driveway, then heading for work, as is the norm. He kicked open the car door and strolled over to the automatic doors, began to pick up his slow speed and slid silently into his office... as is the norm.

Thing is, every day, it all seems normal. But even if this day does appear normal, it isn't as normal as you think.

Dr. Dero was called in to room 220, to work on a surgery involving... a lot of organs that I don't have time to go into detail about. Let's just say this was a bloody job.

In all of Dr. Dero's amazingness he nonchalantly operated on the old man's stomach. Until suddenly... He saw something inside that he had never seen before. It was purple, constantly rotating...

He reached in, and couldn't feel anything. He reached farther. And farther... and farther...

Until he fell. (W.I.P.)

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