Kelly gets caught by Dan

From Create Your Own Story

While Kelly searched for clues on the enemies team flag, she wasn't aware of the fact that someone spotted her. She was too busy searching for a way the win this mission. "Well, well what, or better WHO, do we have here?" she heard someone saying. Startled, Kelly looked up to see where the voice was coming from. "Shit" she thought, "Who discovered me?"

Dan looked at his prey and said, "I like what I see. Are you the girl from the other team or just a passenger? I guess not according to your outfit. Do you know what this means?"

Kelly looked with fear in her eyes and whispered "I guess so." Dan reached for her arm and pulled Kelly to her feet. "What's your name bare feeted girl? And in case you didn't notice, you're are my prisoner, so you can walk along with me. We have a lot to chat about. So I'm asking you one more time, what is your name?"

"Kelly," she whispered softly and faced her momentary defeat.

Dan pushed the girl forward to one of his team's hiding spots. But not before he tied her hands behind her back. "Walk along with me Kelly" he said to her.

Kelly start to move, she wanted to walk faster but because of the rope that has an line, which was in Dan's hands, she could not escape.

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