Pokemon: Leave

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 07:45, 5 September 2012 by Snowball (Talk | contribs)

You thank the Professor and head off on your journey leaving Pallet town behind once and for all. As you feel the fresh air on your face you smile. You have never been out of Pallet town before, not even to visit your Dad.

There's been an ache in your chest ever since he left. A smudge of black that got darker and darker. You really don't know who you are or what you are becoming but you know on this journey you are going to find out once and for all. There's a group some of your older friends talked about in hushed tones. Some with awe and some with disgust - Team Rocket. To you becoming a part of Team Rocket is a goal. To test yourself both physically and mentally. To see if you can be strong enough to be initiated in and to see what becomes of you.

You don't dislike Pokemon even a little bit but you feel that travelling this path and surviving it the only way to find out who you are meant to be.

You come to the edge of Pallet town and try to decide what to do. To join Team Rocket you and your Pokemon have to be strong. Should you let your Pichu out of its ball and get to know each other before you begin training or jump right into it?

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