MSSY1:Infector Musket

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:13, 26 December 2011 by Captain.Devonin (Talk | contribs)
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Previous Attack Energy Shield Enemy Condition
Rockzooka 60 45 Moderate Damage
"Infector Musket. How about we see how his machine handles a virus," you say.

<System: Select confirmed. Recall device activated. >

Your AI adjusts and positions the arms of your robot as the green outline of the rifle materializes in the air. You spend the time focusing on avoiding your opponent's machinegun fire.

<System: Shields down to 70% >

In a flash, you have your rifle. It looks like a giant version of an old 1800s musket, with several more futuristic upgrades such as a telescopic sight, wires connecting where the firing pin would be to your machine, and being made almost entirely of metal instead of bits of wood.

Your opponent responds by shifting the direction he is running, and circling around you counter-clockwise now. You see the cannon on his back, next to the missile pod, raise up and come to rest on his shoulder as he activates it.

<System: Warning. Energy buildup detected. >

He ceases shooting and stops dead in his tracks. You take this opportunity to raise your rifle, quickly acquire a target lock, and fire. A bright flash and large puff of smoke accompany your shot as you launch a human fist-sized ball of metal straight at him.

<System: Update. Energy reserves down to 60% >

The ball breaks in two as it pings off his shield, releasing the payload inside the bullet: a small, mosquito-like mechanical drone. It has no trouble passing through your opponent's shield at its' reduced velocity and it lands on the head of his robot.

<System: Danger! Energy buildup spiking! >

The warning from your system prompts you to move your ass to try and lose the target lock he has on you now. But it isn't enough and you learn why he planted himself in one spot to fire.

A thick, solid purple beam of energy erupts from his shoulder cannon. It rockets toward you at an alarming pace.

Your AI makes a slight adjustment to the way your robot is holding its' musket. An adjustment that becomes clear to you as the beam reaches you.

As your robot had been moving, the beam is now off-center and strikes your shield on your left side. The force causes your robot to be pushed back several feet, and the beam pierces into your protective bubble. Your AI uses the barrel of the Infector Musket to 'swat' the beam and deflect it enough to miss blowing your robot's arm off by mere inches.

A bright flash comes from behind you, followed by a wave of force, sound, and fire as the beam strikes one of the arena's outer walls and causes an explosion. You glance down at your Infector Musket to see the barrel is now completely toasted, and useless. You throw it town, and it vanishes in a green flash before it hits the ground.

<System: Shields down to 45%. That was close, estimates determine that had the beam struck dead-center our shields would be depleted. >

"Well its' a good thing we're a good team," you say to the AI, glancing toward your opponent to see him strafing you again.

The mechanical mosquito on his head has since jammed its' long metal spike into the circuitry in his robot's neck.

"Give me an update on the virus," you say.

<System: Virus has overcome several firewalls. I am currently breaking what I believe to be the last one. Enemy condition has reduced one step from the strike. >

"Alright, get me a... " you begin, but are interrupted.

<System: Warning. Recall device malfunction. I can no longer detect available ordinance. I believe the enemy's jamming device is interferring. You will have to make due with what I can detect, mostly defensive and support devices. >

"Damnit, fine! Give me... " you think on what defensive, and support abilities you stashed in that pocket dimension. Two spring to mind.

Select Your Action
NanoAccelerator [20 EN] Backup Nega Battery [0 EN]
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