Day 2

From Create Your Own Story

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The sound of laughter echoes in the distance. You wake up with a jolt.

You're sitting in front of the heavy metal door to the lighthouse. Unable to remember how or why you're there in the first place. Like everyday, you feel your face and feel the horrible burn mark that has been the cause of your pain for over a decade. You also feel a strange moistness on the mark as well.

You hear a loud bang outside followed by various small arms fire and much yelling. You run up the stairs and look outside.

You see 4 well armed teens assaulting a girl who's firing a glock at them. She is hiding behind a large rock with two boys. You see one of the attackers throw a grenade over the rock. The taller of the two boys,returns the grenade without hesitation. It leaves a large, bloody crater on the sand. The girl of the defenders shouts an indistinct command and the boys get up and run westward, towards the jungle. The girl is left to defend herself, but her efforts are useless. The attackers surround her and take the glock out of her hand. One of the male attackers subdue her and hold her down. Then, a girl you recognize from school, walks up to the hostage and shoots her in the face.

For some reason, you shudder at this. You don't know why.

Then the three attackers regroup at the door, leaving behind the bloodied puddle that was their friend and the hole-y carcass as a testament to their destruction.

Suddenly you hear an explosion and hear a loud thud. The attackers are enterring the lighthouse. Kill them.

Character: Zeke Davidson
Alive: 48 students
Hours Remaining: 70
Weapons Aquired: Hatchet
Friends: None
Kills: James Hall, Paul Hall

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