DCQ/Find the lights.

From Create Your Own Story

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You wait as you hear foot steps leave the room. After a few more minutes you cautiously leave your cover and grope through the darkness. You hear something squlech under your footstep, and try not to vomit. After a few more tense moments, you locate a light switch a reveal the body of your cousin.
This time you do hurl. In the middle of the floor is Richard's mangled, butchered corpse. The murder weapon, a bloodied axe, is still lodged in his smashed forehead.
Blake slowly moves out of his hiding spot, and vomits as well. The two of you vacate as fast as possible.

"All right..." says Blake, "That mother f**ker killed my dad and my brother. I am NOT letting him leave here alive..." he growls in primal rage.

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