Dirty Me's Diary/Doggy kisses forever

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Dear Diary,

Well, after a little searching online, I found out that I cannot get pregnant by a dog. I guess I also cannot get some dog STI or anything.

Makes me feel a bit better. I guess I just need to be careful of UTIs.

So, after finding out, I went back to see Kisses. But, he was gone...

I wanted to cry. It seems that the dog pack was caught and sent to some dog shelter, but here, they don't keep them, they kill them.

There was another pack already in the territory (I was afraid to go out, after Kisses fucking me, so it had been a couple weeks.). All they did was growl at me and bark, trying to chase me away.

I talked to my parents, and we found out where they were taken. We went, and fortunately Kisses had not been killed yet.

The people let us take him home. I wanted to rescue them all, but my parents only let me pick one. Of course I picked Kisses.

My parents laughed at that name after I told them that it was because he was so friendly, and likes to give doggy kisses. I just didn't tell them where...

We had him checked by the vet. The vet said he was in good shape, just malnourished. No sickness or anything. I felt much better after that.

So, we took him home, and I immediately bought some things to put over his paws, a heavy vest for myself, and after he tried to mount my mom, which she was not at all happy about, did some research on how to train him. Now, I am pleased to say, he has learned when it is appropriate to lick and mount, and when it is not.

I love Kisses, and really, what is not to love. He loves oral, unlike most guys, and when I am in the mood, is always ready to pleasure my pussy. And trust me, I don't think his doggy penis is ugly, or too large, any more. And, I don't need to worry about getting pregnant or getting some STI.

It is funny, as I write this last entry, he has his paws on the bed, I have my ass in the air, and, well, you can guess.

God, it feels good, and I no longer need to worry about sex toys.

Anyways, Kisses has already knotted, so, I am a bit, sticky, down there. Time to go shower up.

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