Talk to Owan

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Revision as of 06:15, 10 March 2017

You just love him too much. You walk up to the man and he smiles when he sees you approach. "Ah! My favorite mage! What brings you here to my barracks?" You tell him that you just wanted to catch up over some drinks some time. He ponders this then says. "It has been a long time since we last shared a drink together... " He paused the smiled again and said. "How about you join me at the Murdock bar after I finish my rounds. You aggre and leave the barracks to prepare.

Later you hear someone knock on you lab door and open it to see Owan standing there still in full armor even though he is most likely off duty. "Ready to have some fun?" He asked and you smile and nod. You two eventually get to Murdock bar and take a seat at the bar table. Everyone cheers when they see Owan and you suddenly remember how 'sociable' Owan is. Especially at bars. He takes a seat on a bar stool and pats on the stool next to him. You sit next to him and he smiles at you.

"So. You're the one who wanted to catch up. What do you want to know?" You think about this and say.

"How is the wen- I mean.. wife?

Any kids yet?

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