Head towards the cave

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Lightning streaks across the sky and thunder shakes the earth. We need to hurry, you think. Look at the approaching storm, you see the hazy horizon as torrential rain falls. You turn to Kota and point towards the cave, "Let's go!" Koti nods and the two of you run quickly to the rock shelter.

Within a few seconds of entering the cavern, rain pelts the ground. White lightning strikes and burns the grass of the plains accompanied by booming thunder. You turn and watch the storm in awe. Never before have you seen such a powerful storm. Glancing a Koti's mouth agape illustrates that neither has she. Suddenly, you hear a horn over the thunder. It lasts only for a second, but it seemed the storm listened to it as well. "What was that," Koti asks. Then, another horn sounded, this one in a different tone and coming from a different direction. The camp, you assume. The meaning behind the calls hit you.

"War horns," you summarize.

"War horns?" Koti asks, looking at you puzzled, "why would anyone fight a battle in this weather?"

"Because the attackers brought it with them." You tell her. She looks stupid you confused. "The Stormstresses." The Stormstresses were a powerful clan that served under the Goddesses. In their ranks were shaman-like ritualists that could summon storms. It seems they had a whole army conjure up this one. When you were a slave to the Goddesses, you saw a few of them, marked by the lightning strike emblem on their shoulders.

"If one side is the Stormstresses, then who is the other side?" Kati asks.

"No idea, but they're about to be destroyed." The amounts of lightning strikes has increased significantly. "Come on, we should go further in. We do not want to be spotted." Koti nods and grabs two torches out of her pack. She lights them and hands one to you. She follows you as you walk down into the darkness of the cave.

Thunder quietly echoes through the cavern. It had been some time sense you left the sight of the storm. Nothing interesting has appeared in this cavern. No ore, no jewels, no treasure. This is just an empty husk, you think. The echos of thunder is broken by Koti's voice. "What do you thinks happening out there?"

"Well, the other tribe at the camp is either getting killed by the Stormstresses, getting fucked by the Stormstresses, or getting electrocuted by the Stormstresses' lightning."

"Are the Stormstresses really that powerful?"

"I saw them a few times," you flashback to a time when the storm tribe were summoned by the Goddesses for a reason you can't remember. They wore dark blue hoods and cloaks, but their torso and legs were quite revealing. Two long straps of cloth covered their large tits in a v-shape and met at the waist. A long skirt that showed the sides of their legs covered their bottom half, held together by a yellow belt. Staring at them, you could feel their power in the air. "They are not to be messed with."

Koti looks gloomy. She,s clearly not enjoying hearing about a tribe much more powerful than their's. "Do you think they'll find us here?"

"No, we could be screaming our mouths off and they wouldn't know it at the entrance."

"Oh?" Koti pips up, raising an eyebrow. "Is that so?" You are about to turn a corner in the cave when she reaches around you. "Then I guess when can be screaming our mouths off then." She says with a seductive smile. Her hands rub your tits and dick. You close your eyes, soaking it all in.

"K-Koti..." you moan.

"Yes, Archangel?" She giggles.

Enough of this teasing. You spin around and force her onto the rock floor, your torches rolling away. You fall on her and begin to kiss passionately. She eagerly forces her tongue down your mouth, reaching behind you and pulling down your pants. As she strokes your hard dick, you rip her vest off and squeeze her tits with fervor, letting milk spill out of them. You are about to pull down her pants when she stops you and pushes you away. You look at her confused, but she has a playful smile on.

"Ever done it in pitch black?" She asks.

"N... no," you answer a little confused. She smiles and stands up, leaving you on the cold floor. She begins to walk outside the light of the torches, her ass swaying seductively. She tuns the corner and gives you a wink before disappearing in the complete blackness of the cave. You stare in confusion before coming to the realization. She wants to surprise me when I can't tell what she's doing. You smile and chase after her. You turn the corner and whisper in the dark, "Koti!" Nothing. "Koti! Oh, I'm going to fuck your brains out." She still hasn't grabbed you yet. "Koti? Koti! Ugh, I'm getting the torch." You say frustrated. You go back and grab one of the torches on the ground. As you venture out back into the darkness, she's nowhere to be found. "Koti?" You call out louder, but to no response. Worry is staring to take hold. It is unlike her to stall when trying to fuck you. You walk way far from the corner of the cave when the other torch is, but she's disappeared.

Suddenly, there's a loud thud direct,y behind you. You turn around and scream. Koti lies there, blood gushing from her mouth, as if something has pulled her throat out. Her body spasms as you bend over it, her lifeless eyes staring straight above you. Fear sets in as you shine the torch to the cave's ceiling. Staring at you is the beast that is slumping Koti's blood from its lips. You back away quickly, and the creature falls from the ceiling, illuminated by the torch. Its torso is that of a woman with blue skin. Her hair is long, flowing stalks, her face unblemished. She has a pair of large tits, but no nipples. She has a slim waist, it her lower half is that of a spider. A large body with multiple legs protruding out. An Arachi! Your mind screams. She raises her hand to her face, giggling.

"Oh, yes. The other insect. I had almost forgotten," the Arachi laughed. "Your lovely partner walked into the dark all alone. She didn't hear me right above her. I didn't give her the chance to scream when I... embraced her." The spider-women giggles.

"You..." you stutter. You're frozen in shock.

"Me." The Arachi laughs as she approaches you. "Guess who's next on my plate for me?"

Suddenly, you find your courage. You stand up and pull out your sword. The Arachi smiles at your attempt. You unbelieveable speed, she appears behind you, knocked you to the ground with force. Caught off guard, you sword flies off into the darkness. You turn around, but the spider-women is already on top of you, pinning you arms and legs with her spider appendages. She laughs loudly. "You humans never learn when to accept that you're prey." She laughs more but then suddenly stops. She stares closely at your chest. "However, humans are quite attractive." She rips off your vest, revealing your large breasts. She smiles, "you, girl, might be the most beautiful one I have every had the pleasure..." she pauses to caress your tits, "... of eating." Instinct and adrenaline give yo the force you need to free one of your arms from its trap. The Arachi stares in shock after you slap its face with your full force. Her hunger eyes make your body freeze in terror. "Oh no, girl, we can't have that. I was hoping to understand your pleasurable areas before I killed you, but alas," she says as she pins your arm down once again. With her arms she grabs your face, forcing you into a kiss. Suddenly her extremely large tongue worms her way down your throat. Your eyes roll to the back of your head. Her tongue reaches the entrance of your stomach and forms into a sharp point before sliding back up your esophagus, cutting it deeply. Pain is the last feeling you experience before succumbing to the blackness of death.



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