Mistress Of Satan

From Create Your Own Story

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Lezlover94 (Talk | contribs)
(Created page with 'Your name is Erin Helheim. Your an 18 year old girl who lives with your parents Anders & Magda and your Brother Karl, 16. Your mother and father are Swedish and they moved to Ameā€¦')

Current revision as of 00:18, 15 January 2016

Your name is Erin Helheim. Your an 18 year old girl who lives with your parents Anders & Magda and your Brother Karl, 16. Your mother and father are Swedish and they moved to America when you where 4, so obviously as is the stereotype with Swedes, you like the rest of your family, were Blonde Haired, Blue Eyed and as you grew up, incredibly beautiful.

-MOS- Advance To One Extraordinary Day

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