Practice making out with Becky

From Create Your Own Story

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Revision as of 01:01, 22 October 2011

"We gotta make this look good if he's gonna buy into it at all. He's just gonna look away if he doesn't think we know what we're doing"

"Ya your right. He never could turn away from a good show."

You and Becky go into the closest bathroom and when nobody else is looking, hop in the same stall. it's tight with both of you in there, but you don't think space is gonna be an issue.

You never kissed a girl romantically before, but you're willing to try it if it's Becky. Both of you close your eyes and touch lips gently, than get more involved and your tongue easily slips into her mouth. She meets it perfectly and you begin to get lost in her touch.

Soon, one of becky's hands gets buried in your soft long hair and another in your miniskirt, while your hands explore the superiority of her chest and ass.

You tried to be discrete at first but that idea has fled both of your minds. You can only focus on the moment and how good Becky is making you feel....

In fact, no guy has made you feel like this. Becky's fingers are dellicatly and expertly playing with your pussy, the way only another woman's could. You start to think back, and Becky's been a better friend to you, for as long as you can remember, than anyone else in your life...

You and Becky both stop. She looks at you with the same lust as you feel for her, and more. It becomes quite clear to you that your relationship after you walk out of this bathroom cannot be the same as when you walked in...

"yaknow, I never thought he was all that good looking" Becky says first, to break the ice while trying to make a subtle hint. "Always thought you were really pretty though..."

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