Take the path

From Create Your Own Story

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You enter the city and, after a short walk along the main street, find yourself in the [[Sartosa plaza]].
You enter the city and, after a short walk along the main street, find yourself in the [[Sartosa plaza]].
[[Category: Warhammer: Sartosa, City of Pirates]]

Current revision as of 18:33, 22 June 2009

The path is small at first, but soon it joins another, then another. Before long, you are walking on a paved road that passes through vineyards, olive groves and sheep pastures. Obviously a town of some importance is not too far. Once in a while a horseman or a chariot passes by, but when you try to ask them where the road is going, they ignore you. You finally find by yourself the answer to your question: a sign indicates that the city of Sartosa is one mile ahead.

Sartosa, the city of pirates! A lawless place, where much of the scum of the Old World washes up: thiefs, smugglers, slavers, heretics, witches... Gutters filled with the blood of daily clashes between criminal organizations, shops that sell poisons and slaves as others would sell fruits or clothes, mercenary guilds that proudly advertise the services of trained assassins, arenas where gladiators fight to the death for the sick enjoyment of depraved crowds… Was this city supposed to be the destination of your ship? Why would you choose to go to such a place, except to burn it to the ground?

Well, maybe that is what you came for, but you do not even remember your name, let alone your purpose here. The only thing to do now is to keep going. The city springs into view when you reach the top of a grassy hill. Behind its fortifications, it is a chaotic place: you can see from here that the buildings and streets have been built without a plan. You can already smell the stench of corruption. You notice half a dozen rotting corpses hanging from the wall, near the main gate: people who were considered criminals even among criminals.

You enter the city and, after a short walk along the main street, find yourself in the Sartosa plaza.

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