
From Create Your Own Story

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(Categorization (Using category on tutorial page))
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{{C.DTemplate|DN="ORBITAL RAIN - CONTROL INTERFACE|PA=-|H=100|S=100|EC=-|D=You 'stretch' your mechanical legs by taking a few steps out of the alcove your robot is stored in. You hear a loud thump with each step due to the weight of your robot.
{{C.DTemplate|DN="ORBITAL RAIN - CONTROL INTERFACE|PA=-|H=100|S=100|EC=No Damage|D=You 'stretch' your mechanical legs by taking a few steps out of the alcove your robot is stored in. You hear a loud thump with each step due to the weight of your robot.
You decide to test the weapon system, something you designed especially for this competition.
You decide to test the weapon system, something you designed especially for this competition.
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You turn your view to the arm of your robot as the recall device activates. A glowing green outline of a machine gun appears in your robot's hand, and in a flash of green energy it has materialized into a real machine gun. In a matter of a few seconds you went from having no weapons to having a machine gun.
You turn your view to the arm of your robot as the recall device activates. A glowing green outline of a machine gun appears in your robot's hand, and in a flash of green energy it has materialized into a real machine gun. In a matter of a few seconds you went from having no weapons to having a machine gun.
You'd give it a test fire but not only would that burn energy but the mayor decided that anyone shooting in the staging area is automatically disqualified.
You'd give it a test fire but not only would that burn energy, the mayor decided that anyone shooting in the staging area is automatically disqualified.
"Dismiss," you say, and in the same momentary green flash the machine gun is gone.
"Dismiss," you say, and in the same momentary green flash the machine gun is gone.
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"Competitors #11, and #25, you have five minutes to proceed to the arena. I repeat. #11 and #25 to the arena in five minutes."
"Competitors #11, and #25, you have five minutes to proceed to the arena. I repeat. #11 and #25 to the arena in five minutes."
You're there in less than half that time.
You're there in less than half that time. You stamble onto the elevator and hit the giant-robot sized button to activate it. The metal creaks and groans in protest as it raises your immense bulk upward.
The elevator stops at the top floor, in a room just outside the arena proper. You take a deep breath, then ease your robot forward through the opening.
[[Category:Mad Science Showdown|T]]
A loud cheer greets you as many thousands of camera flashes force you to dial back the brightness on your cockpit monitor.
The arena is large, with the fighting pit about two football fields in length, and one across in width. It is flanked by high, thick steel walls that tower over even the tallest giant robot brought out to fight today. At the top of the steel protector is where the seats for the crowd begin, and they don't end until much, much higher up. The hum of a force field fills the air as it lines the outside of the arena to protect the crowd from stray attacs and flying debris.
Advertisements are just about everywhere, and so are people. The place is packed from top to bottom.
Your opponent is almost late, finally coming into the arena with only a minute to spare. He seems to be a bit of an unknown, just like you, and his robot stands just a little shorter than yours. It's clad in black with a blue lightning motif and supports and array of weaponry from machine guns, to missiles, and wrist blades.
"Analyze," you say after locking your targetting system onto your opponent. You can faintly hear the mayor giving his pre-fight speech, but he isn't saying anything really important so you ignore him and focus on what your machine tells you about your opponent.
'''<System:''' Analyzing... Opponent supports an array of close, and long-range weaponry with low power consumption figures. Assumed strategy is to strike small, strike fast, and to bring us down with bug bites. '''>'''
'''<System:''' Warning! Opponent is emitting some kind of jamming field. Sensors will be less useful. Recall device is also being affected but just how cannot be determined yet. '''>'''
'''<System:''' Warning! Powerful energy signature detected eminating from chest chavity of opponent. Advise avoiding close range confrontations to minimize opportunity for opponent to use this weapon. It also goes without saying it is not recommended to stand still. '''>'''
'''<System:''' Analysis complete. No further information is available at this time. '''>'''
"Well, that is helpful..." you utter as the crowd counts down with the mayor.
"Five!... Four!... Three!... Two!... One!... Fight!"
You ready yourself for battle while deciding on your first attack.|A1=[[MSSY1:Rockzooka|Rockzooka [25 EN]]]|A2=[[MSSY1:Voltage Disruptor|Voltage Disruptor [20 EN]]]}}
[[Category:Mad Science Showdown|B]]

Revision as of 07:27, 26 December 2011

Previous Attack Energy Shield Enemy Condition
- 100 100 No Damage
You 'stretch' your mechanical legs by taking a few steps out of the alcove your robot is stored in. You hear a loud thump with each step due to the weight of your robot.

You decide to test the weapon system, something you designed especially for this competition.

"Engage battle routines," you say.

<System: Engaging battle routines... Activating recall device... >

Essentially, all your weapons are stored in a pocket dimension back inside your labratory. Your robot is equipped with a recall device that lets you summon anything in this pocket dimension, no matter where you are. It causes some things to consume more energy than they otherwise should but it also allows you to have a large array of weapons at your disposal at any given time. You can also dismiss weapons when you are done with them for maximum mobility and sending them away burns up a neglible amount of energy.

<System: Battle routines set. System is now fully operational. >

"Machine gun," you say with a grin.

You turn your view to the arm of your robot as the recall device activates. A glowing green outline of a machine gun appears in your robot's hand, and in a flash of green energy it has materialized into a real machine gun. In a matter of a few seconds you went from having no weapons to having a machine gun.

You'd give it a test fire but not only would that burn energy, the mayor decided that anyone shooting in the staging area is automatically disqualified.

"Dismiss," you say, and in the same momentary green flash the machine gun is gone.

A series of chimes tells you that it is time, and before the chimes have even stopped you're already on your way toward the elevators that lead up to the arena.

"Competitors #11, and #25, you have five minutes to proceed to the arena. I repeat. #11 and #25 to the arena in five minutes."

You're there in less than half that time. You stamble onto the elevator and hit the giant-robot sized button to activate it. The metal creaks and groans in protest as it raises your immense bulk upward.

The elevator stops at the top floor, in a room just outside the arena proper. You take a deep breath, then ease your robot forward through the opening.

A loud cheer greets you as many thousands of camera flashes force you to dial back the brightness on your cockpit monitor.

The arena is large, with the fighting pit about two football fields in length, and one across in width. It is flanked by high, thick steel walls that tower over even the tallest giant robot brought out to fight today. At the top of the steel protector is where the seats for the crowd begin, and they don't end until much, much higher up. The hum of a force field fills the air as it lines the outside of the arena to protect the crowd from stray attacs and flying debris.

Advertisements are just about everywhere, and so are people. The place is packed from top to bottom.

Your opponent is almost late, finally coming into the arena with only a minute to spare. He seems to be a bit of an unknown, just like you, and his robot stands just a little shorter than yours. It's clad in black with a blue lightning motif and supports and array of weaponry from machine guns, to missiles, and wrist blades.

"Analyze," you say after locking your targetting system onto your opponent. You can faintly hear the mayor giving his pre-fight speech, but he isn't saying anything really important so you ignore him and focus on what your machine tells you about your opponent.

<System: Analyzing... Opponent supports an array of close, and long-range weaponry with low power consumption figures. Assumed strategy is to strike small, strike fast, and to bring us down with bug bites. >

<System: Warning! Opponent is emitting some kind of jamming field. Sensors will be less useful. Recall device is also being affected but just how cannot be determined yet. >

<System: Warning! Powerful energy signature detected eminating from chest chavity of opponent. Advise avoiding close range confrontations to minimize opportunity for opponent to use this weapon. It also goes without saying it is not recommended to stand still. >

<System: Analysis complete. No further information is available at this time. >

"Well, that is helpful..." you utter as the crowd counts down with the mayor.

"Five!... Four!... Three!... Two!... One!... Fight!"

You ready yourself for battle while deciding on your first attack.

Select Your Action
Rockzooka [25 EN] Voltage Disruptor [20 EN]
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