World Wide Xtreme Wrestling Federation

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World Wide Xtreme Wrestling Federation (WWXWF) is a Hardcore backyard Wrestling promotion in North Carolina. It was found in Apirl 17, 2010, by Antonio "the son of Extreme" Matute and Manuel "short but furious" Rivera. Antonio build the wrestling ring in the frontyard and manuel name the promotion, that was "ECW pro kids". Every match in the WWXWF is hardcore, means no rules and no count outs. the only rules in the promotion is pinfall and submission.


The first match was for the ECW world tag team champions, the tag team who compet for the belts was Antonio and manuel against their neighbors. their neighbors won the belts then in the weekends Manuel and Alex (my third brother) was fighting aganist the neighbor for the belts. then in five minutes the neighbors retain the belts. 
  In may 2010, Antonio and Manuel change the name "ECW pro kids" to "Hardcore Heaven Wrestling" and reason they put heaven in the name because it's what wrestlers want to but hardcore. Antonio cousin's ,from New Jeresy, debut in WWXWF. Their first match was a seven way ladder match for the ECW world championship, the comepters was Antonio, Manuel, Alex, their cousin's, and their neighbors. one of their cousins won the belt.

New Generation

In june 2010, the ring move from the front to the backyard and Antonio Change the promotions name to WWXWF "world wide Xtreme wrestling federation". Antonio made a show in monday called money night ECW, He bring back ECW in the old fashion way it was in the 90's.

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